101. ශ්‍රද්ධාව හා භක්තිය එකක් ද? දෙකක් ද?

“දසබලයන්වහන්සේ නමැති ශෛලමය පර්වතයෙන් පැන නැඟී, අමා මහ නිවන නම් වූ මහා සාගරය අවසන් කොට ඇති, ආර්ය අෂ්ටාංගික මාර්ගය නම් වූ සිහිල් දිය දහරින් හෙබි, උතුම් ශ්‍රීමුඛ බුද්ධවචන ගංගාවෝ, ලෝ සතුන්ගේ සසර දුක් නිවාලමින්, බොහෝ කල් ගලා බස්නා සේක්වා!”
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤

Q / Q. ශ්‍රද්ධාව හා භක්තිය එකක් ද? දෙකක් ද?

A / A. I think - භක්තිය = Conviction and is closer to (1.) Amulika Saddha (= Blind Faith).Conviction = “An unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence”.

Further Clarification (Even though YOU have understood, for the betterment of the others):

Saddha (Pali: Saddhā, Sanskrit: Shraddhā) is often translated into English as “Faith” (So, I am too going with it).

“Faith or Saddha in Buddhism is in two fold:

1. Baseless Faith or Blind Faith =Amulika Saddha.
2. Reasoned or Rooted Faith = Akaravati Saddha.

The Buddha never encouraged baseless faith or blind faith. He never wanted his followers to follow him blindly. Always he encouraged them not to believe what he said, but to come and see, (ehipassiko) and investigate the Dhamma (the teaching of the Buddha). The are more than 400 religions in the world today. But freedom of thought given in Buddhism is unparalleled with that of all other religions.” ….

… “That is dangerous. Every intelligent man must have a religion. But man must choose a rational and meaningful religion according to his/her conviction without depending on mere beliefs, traditions, customs or theories.” …

I repeat – “But man must choose a rational and meaningful religion according to his/her conviction without depending on mere beliefs, traditions, customs or theories.” …

Resource – http://www.lakehouse.lk/budusarana/2002/10/29/Budu08.pdf

In addition, I think – https://www.facebook.com/.../permalink/1408013609506066/..

"දසබලසේලප්පභවා නිබ්බානමහාසමුද්දපරියන්තා, අට්ඨංග මග්ගසලිලා ජිනවචනනදී චිරං වහතූ!"

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෴ ශාක්‍යමුණීන්ද්‍රෝත්තමෝපහාර දම් පඬුර! ෴

෴ An AnglomaniA IngreesI (රාවණ යක්ඛ) and *A Bona Fide CreatioN ෴

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