Q. Do you realise whenever you attain Sotapanna Phala? or How do you know whether you are a Sothapanna or Not?
A. Of cause you do - immediately after Sotàpatti Fruit-consciousness (Sotapatti Phala-consciousness), [Normally / The Tikkhapañña (having sharp intellect) Sotapanna Ariya Puggala's (The Stream-Winner Noble person's)] mind itself considers/reviews/contemplates:
A. Of cause you do - immediately after Sotàpatti Fruit-consciousness (Sotapatti Phala-consciousness), [Normally / The Tikkhapañña (having sharp intellect) Sotapanna Ariya Puggala's (The Stream-Winner Noble person's)] mind itself considers/reviews/contemplates:
1. Sotàpatti Path-consciousness (Sotapatti Magga-consciousness);
2. Sotàpatti Fruit-consciousness;
3. The Nibbana.
4. The eradicated fetters/cankers/defilements; and,
5. The remaining fetters/cankers/defilements.
# And also, (if your are really a Sotapanna,) you can re-attain the Sotapatti-Phala (the Fruit of being Sotapanna) whenever you want (to make sure you are not foxed/fooled/deceived).
# I will explain some characteristics of a Sothapanna. Analyze carefully and you may finalize your decision:
In Sutta method - The Sotapanna (Stream-Winner) has abandoned/eradicated the first three of the lower fetters:
1. Personality view,
2. Doubt,
3. Misapprehension of precepts and vows.
Fetters - http://www.buddha-vacana.org/gloss.html#samyojana
1. http://www.buddha-vacana.org/gloss.html#sakkayaditthi
( http://pitaka.lk/18144/461/cs,aps )
2. http://www.buddha-vacana.org/gloss.html#vicikiccha
( https://suttacentral.net/si/an10.14 ) {http://pitaka.lk/36114/cs,aps}
3. http://www.buddha-vacana.org/gloss.html#silabbataparamasa
( http://pitaka.lk/28178/cs,aps )
1. = 1121; 2. = 1122; 3 = 1123]
# (In Abhidhamma method -) According to Abhidhamma (Buddhist Metaphysics) "A Sotapanna eradicates the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 11th types of consciousness as He has destroyed the two Fetters Self-illusion and Doubts." – Here, 3. (misapprehension of precepts and vows) is also included in 1. (personality view), rightly so, as both have got similar root/defilement (wrong view).
As He is completely free from 1 = 1121, He would Never break any of the Five Precepts Ever too (Not even by mistake; not even for own/one's life; not even in your/his dreams).
https://suttacentral.net/si/sn55.11 - http://pitaka.lk/252018/cs,aps
# (Even though some doubts of the topic on Five Precepts – We had a STRONG/SERIOUS discussion about that and you may recap it here, if you want to - Sorry! The Link is not working -https://www.facebook.com/.../permalink/1414686692172091/ - Sinhala Post can be found Here.)
# Further clarifications - http://www.dhammawiki.com/index.php?title=Sotapanna
T. {"අනිත්ය ලක්ෂණය වඩා ප්රකට වූ යෝගාවචරයා හට යම් කිසි අවස්ථාවකදී අනිච්චානුපස්සනාවේ අනුසාරයෙන් ඒ අනිත්ය ලක්ෂණයට ප්රතිපක්ෂ වූ එක්තරා නිත්ය ස්වභාවයක් සැටියට ස්ථාවර ස්වභාවයක් සැටියට නිර්වාණ ධාතුව දර්ශනය වේ. දුඃඛ ලක්ෂණය වඩා පැහැදිලිව පෙනෙන යෝගාවචරයා හට දුක්ඛානුපස්සනාවේ අනුසාරයෙන් දුඃඛයට ප්රතිපක්ෂ වූ එක්තරා සුඛ ස්වභාවයක් සැටියට නිර්වාණය දර්ශනය වේ. අනාත්ම ලක්ෂණය වඩාත් පැහැදිලිව පෙනෙන යෝගාවචරයාහට අනත්තානුපස්සනාවගේ වශයෙන් සංස්කාරයන්ගේ සිස් බවට ප්රතිපක්ෂ වූ නිත්ය සුඛාදි ගුණයෙන් පරිපූර්ණ ස්වභාවයක් සැටියට දර්ශනය වේ. අනාත්ම ස්වභාවය වනාහි නිවනෙහි ද නැත." - https://pitaka.lk/books/vidarshana-bhavana-kramaya/11-9.html}