Q. තදඬංගවමුක්ති ආදී පඤ්ච විමුක්තිය යනු කුමකිද? (මෝර පිරිතහි තේරුම ඇසුරෙන් අසන ප්රශ්නයක්)
මා කෙරෙහි අනුකම්පාවෙන් මේ ප්රශ්නයට පිළිතුර දන්නවා නම් පහලින් ලියන්න.
A / R. 1. තදඞ්ග විමුක්තිය.
2. වික්ඛම්භන විමුක්තිය.
3. සමුච්ඡෙද විමුක්තිය.
4. පටිප්පස්සද්ධි විමුක්තිය.
5. නිස්සරණ විමුක්තිය.
R. “... There are five kinds of freedom. The first is the freedom (from defilements) that comes when one is engaged in wholesome activities. Or when one is safeguarding the precepts. It is called Thadanga Vimukti. The second, Wishkambhana Vimukti is the freedom from defilements that comes by suppressing them when one gets into Jhānas. The third, Samuccheda Vimukti is the freedom of having rooted out or extinguished all defilements beyond recurring - on attainment of magga phala ńańa or Path and Fruit Knowledge. The fourth, Paṭippassadhi Vimukti, is the state of mind of a Noble One when he gets into phala samapatti. (re-experiencing the attainments) The fifth, Nissarana Vimukthi, is the sense of peace and relief that comes when taking Nibbana as one’s mind’s object - because Nibbana is free and untainted by anything that is mundane, it is called Nissarana Vimukthi. ...”
මා කෙරෙහි අනුකම්පාවෙන් මේ ප්රශ්නයට පිළිතුර දන්නවා නම් පහලින් ලියන්න.
A / R. 1. තදඞ්ග විමුක්තිය.
2. වික්ඛම්භන විමුක්තිය.
3. සමුච්ඡෙද විමුක්තිය.
4. පටිප්පස්සද්ධි විමුක්තිය.
5. නිස්සරණ විමුක්තිය.
R. “... There are five kinds of freedom. The first is the freedom (from defilements) that comes when one is engaged in wholesome activities. Or when one is safeguarding the precepts. It is called Thadanga Vimukti. The second, Wishkambhana Vimukti is the freedom from defilements that comes by suppressing them when one gets into Jhānas. The third, Samuccheda Vimukti is the freedom of having rooted out or extinguished all defilements beyond recurring - on attainment of magga phala ńańa or Path and Fruit Knowledge. The fourth, Paṭippassadhi Vimukti, is the state of mind of a Noble One when he gets into phala samapatti. (re-experiencing the attainments) The fifth, Nissarana Vimukthi, is the sense of peace and relief that comes when taking Nibbana as one’s mind’s object - because Nibbana is free and untainted by anything that is mundane, it is called Nissarana Vimukthi. ...”